Enhancement & Hatcheries
Here at Fish club, our purpose is to bring people together by being a part of something unique on our coast. We are a club that gives back to communities, cares about the environment, and works to conserve, enhance and protect our beloved Pacific salmon stocks for years to come.
There are around 20 salmon hatcheries spread across Vancouver Island, putting in hours around the clock of hard work. These hatcheries are built off of the dedicated volunteers that show up week in and week out all with the same goal in mind. Millions of Pacific salmon are produced and returned to our local waterways each year because of these selfless volunteers.
Are you interested in volunteering at a hatchery on Vancouver Island? We have put together a comprehensive list below of locations across the Island accepting volunteers.
Name |
Location |
Phone Number |
Boot Lagoon Hatchery |
Port Alberni |
1-250-723-4644 |
Robertson Creek Hatchery |
Port Alberni |
1-250-724-6521 |
Thorton Creek Enhancement Society |
Ucluelet |
1-250-726-7566 |
Tofino Salmon Enhancement Society |
Tofino |
1-250-725-2376 |
Cowichan River Hatchery |
Duncan |
1-250-746-5741 |
Marble River Hatchery |
Port Alice |
1-250-230-1022 |
Nimpkish Valley Rod & Gun Fish Hatchery |
Woss |
1-250-281-4244 |
Nanaimo River Hatchery |
Nanaimo |
1-250-245-7780 |
Cowichan Lake Salmonid Enhancement Society |
Cowichan Lake |
1-250-749-0119 |
Quatse River Hatchery |
Port Hardy |
1-250-949-9022 |
French Creek Hatchery SEP |
Parksville |
1-250-248-8031 |
Little Qualicum Hatchery |
Qualicum Beach |
1-250-752-3231 |
Big Qualicum Hatchery |
Qualicum Beach |
1-250-752-8412 |
Goldstream Hatchery |
Langford |
1-250-474-6698 |
Juan De Fuca Salmon Restoration Society |
Victoria |
1-250-642-4200 |
Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society (Jack Brooks) |
Sooke |
1-250-642-0031 |
Oyster River Salmon Enhancement Society |
Black Creek |
Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society |
Tahsis |
Gov of Canada site (Individual Hatchery Info) https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/sep-pmvs/projects-projets/index-eng.html#hatcheries
Pacific Salmon Foundation https://www.psf.ca/
Fresh Water Fisheries of BC http://www.gofishbc.com